Think Global - A cultural journey through the english-speaking world - Teacher's Book

Think Global is a topic-based approach to the cultures of the Englishspeaking world covering subjects close to teenager’s hearts - sport, wellness and music - as well as traditional topics such as literature, history and institutions.
ISBN: 9788853619488
Author: Angela Tomkinson, Elizabeth Lee
Page: 80
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2014
Format: Book + Online Materials
Level: A1-A2
Publisher: ELI, EDIZIONI
Language: English
Ages: 14-18 years

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Price: 8 500 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Teacher’s Book
• Detailed unit-by-unit teaching notes.
• Extra background information.
• Answer keys.
• Transcripts of all recorded material.
• 30 pages of extra materials.
• Short play to act out in class or at the end of the school year. DigitalBook
• All material in digital format.
• Video and audio materials in a single component.
• IWB-compatible for fun and motivating ‘heads-up’ moments in class.


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