Last Chance Saloon - Murder Mystery Game

Will the richest rancher in the wild west be dead before sundown, or will you be able to save his skin? Number of Players: 6 Players Playing Time: 90 Minutes
ISBN: 5056297219859
Formátum: Társasjáték
Nyelv: angol
Korosztály: 14-18 évig

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Ár: 10 425 Ft

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The year is 1885 and death will cast its shadow over the quiet town of Ghost Creek, unless your sleuthing skills are able to stop it! Inside the Last Chance Saloon, six people nurse their drinks, each lost in thought. A travelling fortune teller decidesto stop and quench her thirst. Suddenly, she’s struck with a vision: Avery Rogers – Ghost Creek’s richest man – will be dead by the end of the day, and at the hands of someone in the saloon! Set in the Wild West, this murder mystery will immerse you andyour dinner guests in a world of revenge, blackmail and bandits! Will you be able to unravel the clues and motives to pinpoint the would-be murderer, all before co­ffee is served?


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