Summer Camp Explorer Kit

Get ready to discover the outdoors and be close to nature with this great kit that has everything a young explorer needs! Age 6+
ISBN: 5056297219866
Formátum: Társasjáték
Nyelv: angol
Korosztály: 6-10 évig

Értékelés(Még nem érkezett értékelés.)

Ár: 10 950 Ft

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From the mini magnifying glass to the card binoculars and bug viewer, there’s no end of fun to be had. Just pack it all up in the drawstring backpack and set off for a wild adventure. What creatures will you meet along the way?
Use the activity book inside to make twig rafts, bird feeders and bug hotels. Find ways to get wild, create a bug log, play scavenger hunt bingo and more! Perfect for all young adventurers!
This explorer kit features:
Magnifying glass
Magnifier with stand
Model spier
Bug hotel
Card binoculars
Twig rafts
Blotting paper
25-page field notes pad
Activity book
Pencil and drawstring bag


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