Andy Stanton: You're a Bad Man, Mr Gum! (Mr Gum, Book 1)

Good evening. Mr Gum is a complete horror who hates children, animals, fun and corn on the cob. This book’s all about him. And an angry fairy who lives in his bathtub.
ISBN: 9781405293693
Author: Andy Stanton
Page: 192
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2019
Format: Book
Publisher: FARSHORE
Language: English
Ages: 6-10 years

Rating(No ratings so far.)

Price: 3 850 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


And Jake the dog, and a little girl called Polly. And there’s heroes and sweets and adventures and EVERYTHING.

You’re a Bad Man, Mr Gum! is the first book in the internationally best-selling series by Andy Stanton, which has won everything from the Blue Peter Book Award (twice) to the Roald Dahl Funny Prize and the Red House Children’s Book Award.


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