Captain W. E. Johns: Biggles Defends the Desert

It's the Second World War and Biggles is in the desert, defending the vital air-route from the West coast of Africa to the Middle East.
ISBN: 9781782950394
Author: Captain W. E. Johns
Page: 272
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Book
Publisher: RED FOX
Language: English
Ages: 10-14 years

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Price: 3 450 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 4-6 weeks


Urgent stores, dispatches and important officials and officers are regularly flown over this route, but lately a number of planes have unaccountably failed to arrive at their destinations. They've disappeared on route and Biggles is there to find out why - and stop it happening again.


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