Captain W. E. Johns: Biggles Fails to Return

MISSING, PRESUMED DEAD!When Biggles undertakes a lone mission to rescue an Italian princess from Mussolini's Italy he doesn't know he's walking into a trap.
ISBN: 9781782950400
Author: Captain W. E. Johns
Page: 304
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Book
Publisher: RED FOX
Language: English
Ages: 10-14 years

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Price: 3 850 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 4-6 weeks


Against all the odds he gets the princess to the aircraft ready to fly them back to safety, but he never reaches the plane. He's last seen wounded and surrounded by the enemy, but Algy, Ginger and Bertie refuse to accept that he's dead until they see the evidence themselves.


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