Maisy's Pool

One of four adventures with Maisy is Maisy's Pool, where Maisy and her friends splash in a wading pool. As always, toddlers, preschoolers, and parents will find the ordinary extraordinary with Maisy!
ISBN: 9780763609078
Author: Lucy Cousins
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 1999
Format: Book
Language: English
Ages: 0-6 years

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Price: 2 093 Ft

(2 990 Ft)

Stock: 1-10 copies


Tallulah and Maisy pull out their wading pool only to find that it has a hole. Being the type of people that don't give up at the first sign of trouble, Maisy and Tallulah fix the hole, and fill the pool with water. Which is when Eddie shows up. Eddie, if you don't remember, is their elephant buddy. And he comes along in his bright orange swim trunks and joins in the fun. Only problem is, that it's a size 1 pool with a size 2 elephant in it.


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