Trim Helps Out

One small kitten learns about the great big world as he sets sail with his fellow shipmates, animal and human, in this historical fiction intermediate reader.
ISBN: 9781682632918
Author: Deborah Hopkinson (Author), Kristy Caldwell (Illustrator)
Page: 48
Binding: Hard cover
Publication date: 2023
Format: Book
Language: English
Ages: 6-10 years

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Price: 5 650 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Trim is eager to do a good job on his first day as ship’s cat—but what is his job? All around him, members of the crew are busy with their responsibilities—too busy to notice a small kitten looking for an opportunity to contribute. Jack the parrot directs Trim to the hold, to patrol for rats. But Jack neglects to tell Trim exactly what a rat is. Surely Princess Bea, the new friend he meets below deck, isn’t a rat. She doesn’t resemble the creepy, scary-looking creature that Jack warned Trim about and she’s happy to have an assistant to fetch her biscuits from the galley.


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