Wild School - Usborne Very First Reading

Child reads with an adult’s support, and gains practice reading different spellings of the same vowel sounds
ISBN: 9781409507130
Author: M. Mackinnon
Page: 32
Binding: Hard cover
Publication date: 2010
Format: Book
Publisher: USBORNE
Language: English
Ages: 0-6 years

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Price: 1 855 Ft

(2 650 Ft)

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This is the eleventh title in the new "Usborne Very First Reading" series, designed for younger children to introduce them to reading together with their parents. Parents and children take turns to read from the page (text clearly marked) and as the books progress in the series the adults read less and less and the child more and more. There are puzzles at the end to check the child's understanding of the text and guidance notes for the parents. Beautiful illustrations help to motivate beginner readers.


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