Footprint Reading Library - National Geographic Amazing Science People often visit aquariums to see sea creatures in their natural environment, but in Baltimore, a local program brings aquarium exhibits to people
What do you really know about the sense of hearing? Learn all about the science of sound, the crazy noises animals make, and the loudest and quietest places on Earth.
In the style of a travel guide, this reader shows you some of the best things to do and see in this amazing island nation. Explore the Tsukiji fish market, Mount Fuji, and traditional Japanese theater.
Thousands of years ago, the Empire of Atlantis was a wonderful place. Then it disappeared. Milo Thatch studied Atlantis and the language of its people, and when he receives a book in Atlantian, it takes him on a journey he’ll never forget.
Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Readers are the next generation of graded readers - captivating topics, high-impact video, and interactive exercises designed to motivate and engage.
La collection Pause lecture facile, ce sont des lectures pour adolescents organisées sur 8 niveaux du A1 au B2. Chaque titre est accompagné d'un CD audio.
Amy and Jack are on vacation. They are visiting Max. It is dark. They cannot sleep. Suddenly, Amy points. "Look!" she says. "What are they?" Bats, birds, butterflies, moths...? Learn about animals of the night!
This interactive series makes developing language skills exciting for primary.Stories and cross-curricular texts with full-color illustrations stimulate students' interest, while carefully graded English introduces them to new language.
En un claro del bosque nació un cervatillo al que llamaron Bambi. El pequeno pronto se hizo amigo de todos los animalitos, sobre todo de Tambor, el conejo, y de Falina, la cervatilla. ?Quieres conocer sus aventuras? Abre las páginas del libro y descúbrel
Unterhaltsame Geschichten aus dem Alltag jugendlicher Schüler für Deutsch als Fremdsprache für die Niveaustufen A1, A2 und B1. -mit Übungen zum Lese- und Hörverstehen -vollständige Lektüre als Hörbuch mit Hörspielszenen zum Download
Footprint Reading Library - National Geographic Incredible Animals Farmers in India are having a serious problem. A local animal is eating their food. However, the farmers cannot hurt the animal because it has a special name.