Class Act: Short Plays with activites for young learners. Book with photocopiable activities + Audio CD (Delta Photocopiables)

Class Act is a photocopiable collection of 12 short plays aimed at young learners of English, aged 7-11. The plays cover a variety of topics and genres, including traditional and modern tales, comedy and fantasy.
ISBN: 9783125017252
Author: Bourdais Daniele
Page: 79
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2019
Format: Book+CD
Level: A1-A2
Language: English
Ages: 6-10 years

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Price: 18 590 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


The plays offer an age-appropriate and fun way for young children to practise useful language in English through enjoyable and motivating storylines.The plays are graded in order of difficulty to suit a range of levels. The plays involve listening, speaking, watching and plenty of movement and are suitable for mixed-abilities and different learning styles.
While boosting pupils ' linguistic skills, the plays also build their confidence, by providing the opportunity to practise a number of skills such as listening, reading, expressive reading/speaking, memorising through listening and repetition, and writing.


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