Grammar rhymes: English grammar in song and rhyme with CD and Music App

A practical English grammar course book for children aged 8-14, GRAMMAR RHYMES consists of 33 themes which range from conjugating the verb to be to creating and using the Second Conditional.
ISBN: 9788395124112
Author: Joanna Zaranska
Page: 233
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2019
Format: Book + Audio CD + Online material
Level: A1-A2
Publisher: EARLY STAGE
Language: English
Ages: 6-10 years

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Price: 10 725 Ft

Stock: 11-100 copies


Each theme includes a short overview of the grammar rules and a longer section with exercises in rhyme complemented by songs which have been professionally composed, performed and recorded – 90 tracks in all. The book comes with a CD and access to a music app. You can use it at home, on a walk, or while travelling. It is the perfect tool for revising when you are on your way to a grammar test.

GRAMMAR RHYMES will launch your child on an amazing educational adventure and familiarise him or her with the exciting world of English grammar.


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