Reach Higher 4A Practice Book

Reach Higher guides students to learn English, learn about the world, and learn about themselves through authentic content with a global perspective.
ISBN: 9780357366943
Author: Nancy Frey, Lada Kratky, Nonie K. Lesaux, Deborah J. Short, Sylvia Linan Thompson, Jennifer D. Turner
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2019
Level: A2
Language: English
Ages: 6-10 years

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Price: 6 200 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Each Reach Higher Practice Book:

Provides consolidation and extension for language, grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, and fluency
Includes pair and group work activities to practice academic conversations
Uses graphic organizers to develop comprehension and critical thinking skills
Provides activities for retelling and developing oral reading fluency
Helps learners to plan, revise, edit, and personalize their writing


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